New Year’s Resolutions? Start with a Hobby!

Last Updated 1/18/2023Posted in Information, Businesses, & Events

It’s that time of year when many of us are working on our New Year’s resolutions. Some of us have fitness goals, others have work goals. But what about making time for a hobby? Afterall, it’s National Hobby Month and according to behavioral health experts, hobbies are important for an all-around, satisfying life. Below are some ideas on how you can make it happen!  


Much of our free time today seems to be spent watching TV, surfing the web, or on social media. This causes us to miss more meaningful, self-growth activities. You say you don’t have the time, but think about how you are using your time each day. Perhaps you can cut back on your time watching the content that other people have created on TikTok, or uselessly arguing on Twitter and, instead, focus on your own fruitful creations.  


Kudos to all the great parents out there. But it's important to set aside some time for yourself as well. We think doing this will make you a lot less stressed and become an even happier person overall. Additionally, many hobbies can be done with your kids!  


Nowadays, a good amount of people work from home. Working from home has its perks. You save on prep time, gas money, and commute time. And saving time should free up more of your time for hobbies. However, the problem is, it may be difficult for some to stick to a solid schedule when working from home, which may lead to work and leisure hours to become blurred. We recommend sticking to the same hours each day. Any time after your set work hours should be left for you to recharge.  



If it seems like a big commitment for you to attend a weekly in-person class, then start out with hobbies you can do at home.  

Some of these hobbies include: 

Reading a Book – Remove yourself from your glowing rectangles (many professionals claim that technology causes short attention spans) and pick up a real book. We recommend visiting your local library where you’ll find a vast selection of books in many genres.  

Keeping a Journal – Setting some time each day to self-reflect is a positive contribution to mental health.  

Sketching – You don’t have to be an artist to doodle. Also, you only need some paper and a pencil. Drawing has been known to reduce stress, which helps after a long day’s work. Who knows? You may produce the next big idea!  

Playing a Video Game – Video games get a bad rap sometimes because they can be addicting. Some players spend many hours on them and neglect the more important tasks in the real world. However, if you play in moderation (i.e. for only an hour per day or only on certain days), it can really be a stress-reliever. Moreover, there is a selection of video games available that can be beneficial to your physical health such as Just Dance, Ring Fit, or Zumba. Having fun while working out? You can count us in!  



Ready to take things outside? Connecting with others in person often gives us the boost of energy that we need! 

Some of these hobbies include: 

Learning a Musical Instrument – Sure, you can try teaching yourself at home, but if you really want to correctly master a musical instrument, having an instructor is important. They will teach you tips, tricks, and techniques that you wouldn’t have known otherwise. Downtown Roseville has two places you can learn a musical instrument. The Strum Shop specializes in, you guessed it, strummed instruments (guitar, ukulele, banjo, etc.), but they also have voice lessons, piano lessons, and more. The other institution is School of Rock, which uses their own “School of Rock Method” to instruct students through live performances.  

Participating in Live Theatre – Live theatre combines multiple skills...singing, dancing, and acting. However, did you know that being under the spotlight and working together with a group of cast and crew members can help you become more confident and sociable? Try it for yourself at Roseville Theatre Arts Academy. They offer programs and productions for all ages! 

Improve Your Art Skills – Some of us are born artists, but for others, it takes more practice. Whatever the case, there are very few things that beat the satisfaction of completing a one-of-a-kind piece of art you are proud of. Blue Line Arts offers structured classes for youth and adults, while Sparrow 5 offers an eclectic selection of “at-your-leisure" classes.  

Outdoor Sports – We don’t need to stress the importance of getting on a good workout schedule since it’s been mentioned many times before. To us, it’s more than just a hobby.  

However, outdoor sports take this to another level by allowing you to closely interact with nature. Breathe in some fresh air and take advantage of nice weather with a good run, swim, game of tennis, or a bike ride. The City of Roseville occasionally offers outdoor workouts at Vernon Street Town Square and Mike’s Bikes participates in biking events. 

Featured Image: Happy Sparrow 5 students show off their completed works of art. // Sparrow 5 

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