News & Press

Downtown Roseville News and Media Coverage

Randy Peters Holiday Menu and Red & Blue Christmas Special Want to spend time with friends & family, but have no time to cook? Have no fear because the Randy Peters holiday menu is out and it's f...
Message from Downtown Roseville Partnership: No November... To all meeting attendees...this is a friendly reminder that there is no November DRP board meeting.Our next meeting is scheduled on Dece...
Downtown Roseville Partnership Welcomes Ed Mojica to the... Downtown Roseville Partnership welcomes our newest board member, Ed Mojica! Ed is the owner of mas|mojica architecture studio, a local b...
Vernon Street Roseville
Downtown Roseville Streets to Be Power-Washed Prior to t... The Downtown Roseville Partnership is pleased to announce that they will be providing Vernon Street and side streets with pressure washi...
Randy Peters Gains Additional Space Amidst 105 Noshery C... Owners Randy and Lisa Peters announced the closure of 105 Noshery via the 105 Noshery website and social media on November 9th. They are...
Tower Investments Plans to Develop 200 Vernon Street Int... Tower Investments of Woodlands, CA purchased the property at 200 Vernon Street (former headquarters of Consolidated Communications) in 2...
Downtown Businesses Win Big at "Best of the Best" AwardsThe public has voted and the Roseville/Granite Bay Press-Tribune's winner list has been posted! Many Downtown Roseville businesses have ...
Roseville Once Again Ranks High in List of "Best Places ... Watch the special feature video here. ROSEVILLE, Calif. — Roseville is one of the best places to live in the United States, according to...
Downtown Roseville by the Numbers Below are some interesting numerical facts about Downtown Roseville:
Downtown Roseville's Alley Clean-Up Efforts Were a Huge ... Thanks to the hard work of the 13 scouts and 5 adults who participated, Downtown's alleys look terrific! The scouts cut down weeds, pick...
Spray Grounds Schedule 2022Summer is quickly approaching, so here is an update about summer hours for spray grounds and other water play areas in Roseville parks.C...
Downtown Site Planned for Future Senior HousingRoseville City Council approved a purchase and sale agreement with Bridge Housing Corporation for senior affordable housing in Downtown ...
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