Happy Holidays from Downtown Roseville Partnership

Last Updated 12/23/2021Posted in Information, Businesses, & Events

Cheers, Beers and Midnight Clears— 

Hope you all are realizing that Downtown Roseville rocks at Christmas! 

You’ve got theaters opening for Christmas shows, The West House sporting a new look, and Goose Port, Monk’s and Noshery holding back the crowds, The Place is everyone’s Italian, and “A Part” showcases the taste of the Middle-East, while Nela’s lunches make for a Feliz Navidad, not to mention the burgers at the V-Street Grill. 

Then there’s shopping at Sparrow, Tumbleweed and the new Village Store and Refillery. Cappuccinos and conversation at The Fig Tree and mochas at Shady — not to mention the little elf-size donuts from Bounty Hunter. 

School of Rock and The Strum Shop setting up the music scene, with Goldfield Trading Post ushering in the sound edge…and Blue Line making the art scene happen. 

All centered around the festive Town Square Christmas tree — something for everyone – this is our Downtown at Christmas! Enjoy! 

We are looking forward to a 2022 – filled with festivals and events, façade grants, murals and art.  To all you shopkeepers, restaurateurs, barkeeps — keep up the good work, we love you…we are here to help!  

Cheers from the Downtown Roseville Partnership, 

Dave Piches, President 

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